Drink water frequently! water for life

Consequences When ‘Lazy’ Drinking water

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Many people are lazy to drink water , especially in the cold room or area because they feel thirsty . Better not obey feeling lazy drinking water because the body will suffer the consequences .

Water is the largest component in the human body . Its content varies according to age . Water content at 80 percent of infants , 60 percent of adults and in the elderly or in over 65 years by 50 percent .
Water is also an essential nutrient for a healthy body because it acts as a solvent , catalyst , lubricant , regulating body temperature and provider of minerals and electrolytes .

water is good when you woke up in the morning too.. see here

The amount of water a person needs varies depending on the person’s body size and what is considered appropriate for his body .
Although water needs differ according to Professor Hiromi Shinya, MD , an expert on the enzymes that are also a great teacher of medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the U.S. , try to get the body’s supply of water 6-8 glasses per day ( 1.5-2 liters ) for adults .

Here are the consequences of lazy drinking water as

1 . When the water supply minimal body will experience a shortage of water or dehydration . Dehydration causes the fluid in the brain decreases , oxygen intake which should flow to the brain was reduced. As a result , brain cells become active and growing , even shrinking .

2 . The composition of the brain consists of a liquid , and when the brain does not get enough water intake will be impaired cognitive function ( intelligence ) in the brain . The brain can not function normally again , especially in the underlying cognitive function ultimately makes one a slow , easy to forget , and not concentration .

3 . Dehydration can cause the body experienced symptoms ranging from mild and moderate such as fatigue , thirst , dry throat , body heat , headache , concentrated urine , rapid pulse , until severe symptoms such as hallucinations and death .

4 . Prone to bladder infections because the bacteria can not get out due to lack of drinking . Symptoms of bladder infection can be elevated body temperature , pain, especially when the end of urination , feeling the urge to urinate that can not be detained , tenderness over the pubic bone . Sometimes there is blood in the urine .

5 . Women should consume more water because the bladder channel length shorter than men . Drinking plenty of water will help the bacteria out of the urinary tract and reduce the risk of bladder infections .

6 . Skin so dull due to lack of drinking make capillary blood flow in skin is also not optimal .

7 . Lack of drinking water can interfere with kidney function therefore essential water to prevent kidney stones . With enough water then the components forming kidney stones become easier shed with urination .

stmik amikom yogyakarta indonesia

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